Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 3- Initial Post

Week 3- Initial Post

Q You are a junior lawyer at the Plaintiff’s (Aaron’s) law firm. The senior partner is trying to analyze potential claims for negligence against Bill (can Aaron put on a case against Bill for negligence?). The senior partner asks you the following questions to help her decide whether to file the case. (Use what you learned from the lecture and the text book).? a) What are Bill’s duties to Aaron? (You must list 3 duties for full credit; extra credit if you can list at least 5) b) How did Bill breach the above duties??? c) How did Bill cause the Aaron’s damages (injuries)? (Actual cause and proximate cause) d) What kind of damages would you claim in the complaint??

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The list of three duties that Bill can perform towards Aaron are as follows: • Bill can perform the responsibility of equipping, the bush Hog cutter properly with the side rail guards, debris chain alongside security features. • Next, Bill can provide a warning and need to war or perform and stay away from the working area (Ebrom, 2018). • Last but not the least, Bill can even perform the activity of informing Aaron’s mother, to continue watch him as he plays in the working area that is quite dangerous and risky as well.